A Bien Creative life is a very happy life.
Have you ever witnessed someone living in their genious? An artist, an actor, a speaker, a dancer... someone literally transcending in front of you. Your eyes well up, goosebumps cover your skin and you realize you are privy to real magic.
The only thing more thrilling than witnessing someone in their creative expression, experiencing their genius and exercising their courage, is creating that moment for yourself. Living in your creativity is the best part about being a human. Practicing your passion as often as possible is literally, what dreams are made of.
You living in and sharing your genius is how we change the world, it's how we grow in love, it's how we raise consciousness.
Life is not about surviving, it's about THRIVIN' people! Get with it.
It's time to jump back into joy and delight yourself throughout your uncertain journey. Time to take responsibility for your reality and gain the tools you need to create a life you love.
BIEN CREATIVE is a Media and Education company that is here to help people raise joy in their career, unleash their creative superpower and be a catalyst for courageous action.
The Bien Creative Philosophy

We believe childlike wildness is important for grown-ups too.
We believe a person who expresses their creativity is the greatest superhero of our time.
We believe courage is what creates real change in this world.
We believe our dreams were placed there by The Universe to be our North Star.
We believe being a person of integrity, creativity and service is the key to unbound happiness.
We believe obstacles are here to help us become more of who we are.
We believe Nature is home for your soul.
We believe the Moira Rose way of speaking is the best way of speaking bébé.
We believe we have the power to upgrade our belief system.
We believe overwhelm is good news; it is full-proof evidence that you are stepping out of your comfort zone.
On that note, we believe overwhelming hard things are easier when you're eating your favorite cereal as you work.
1. Trust your intuition above everything else. Let her lead the way.
2. Make someone’s day, every single day.
3. Prioritize feeling safe. Genius only visits a place of safety.
4. Make space for unproductive joy at least once a week.
5. Surround yourself with people that give way to the best parts of you.
6. Always have mentors that guide you to expand into more of yourself.
7. Never make a decision, of any kind, from a place of fear.
8. Honor your darkness. Acknowledge and process your emotions without any judgment.
9. Do not use people as emotional crap dumpsters.
10. Generosity and Honesty are key to an abundant life and peace of mind.
11. Do not blame others. You are responsible for your own reality.
12. Bask in the forest at least once a month. Bonus points if you hug a tree.