The Unexpected Magic of Unproductive Joy
Watch the TED talk here!Hi!
If you’re here, my hunch is that you have a wildly improbable dream. And I love you for it.
There is nothing more exciting and worthwhile than following your wildest dreams. The Improbable Path is full of wonder, magic and excitement. But because it's so unique and special, there is no clear way forward, and it can get very dark and overwhelming. One day you wake up just surviving through life, hoping for change, getting further and further away from the joy you had when you first decided to go for it.
But that enthusiasm is actually the flashlight you need to get to the other side! So it’s time to jump back into joy! Whatever your profession, I’m here to help you:
- take the lid off your creative superpowers.
- reconnect to joy and reignite your career.
- uncover true innovation.
- create a future you can’t wait to wake up to.
It's time to become who you came here to be. Cuz a Bien Creative life, is a very happy life.
“After working with Lorena, I feel like my confidence as an artist has grown exponentially. I finally feel like I have the tools to make my dream a reality. She has truly helped me get out of my funk and take action to pursue my dream. Lorena is so inspiring.” - Eluzai Salmeron.
5 Steps to your next Creative Breakthrough
A creative exercise and visualization help you go from stuck to in the flow.
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Download exercise here.

I'm Lorena
No matter your profession, I believe to live in your creativity, is to allow your soul to shine. And bebé you are here to shine.
How? By doing what you love.
Your creative superpower is rooted in joy, rooted in what you love to do. Exercising it is how your soul evolves into who it came to be: that wild, improbable dream! Isn’t that amazing?! That deep desire you have in your soul is actually who you came here to become!
So I’m here to help you raise joy in your career, reconnect with your creative spark, and be a catalyst for courageous action. Because my GOD there is nothing better than witnessing someone living in their creativity and exercising their courage. IT IS ACTUALLY WHAT DREAMS ARE MADE OF.
(cue Lizzie McGuire please)
My biggest joy, the one I’ve spent well over 10,000 hours on… and thousands more to go.
I caught the theater bug at 15 and it’s my favorite infection I’ve ever had.
Any time I get to step into a rehearsal room, stage or set is truly the best day of my life. I love living a story from the inside, I love collaborating with other artists and bringing a vision to life. And if that vision, that story, can help you feel seen, understood, entertained and any intense emotion that connects you to your beautiful humanity? Omaygah. Yes, please!
ALL THINGS ACTING“I can say without reservation that Lorena is the most exciting, talented, and by far the funniest young actor I have encountered in thirty years of writing and directing for theater and television across three continents. She is simply dazzling.” - Crispin Whittle.

Hey Genius! Discover your Creative Superpower.
A workshop designed to teach you how to gain conscious access into the genius zone. That multidimensional, timeless, sacred space where we are in complete focus and collaboration with Source. The place where we can effortlessly access our Genius.
We can create absolutely anything from our Genius Zone; innovative ideas, works of art, auditions, scripts, business ideas, the perfect week plan... this work will create waves of magic in your life.
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