Hey Genius! Uncover your Creative Superpower.
Our Genius Zone. The most magical place on earth.
You've experienced this zone. It's that moment where it feels like everything flows, like ideas are dropping effortlessly from the sky and you are 100% in your joy, doing what you love most to do.
The Genius Zone is that multidimensional, timeless, sacred space where we are in complete focus and collaboration with the Source of Creation.
This is where Genius is born. Not only is it thrilling to experience, but we can create absolutely anything from this space: our art, our ideas, our moves, our days, our work, our relationships... anything.
I'm here to teach you a reliable and incredibly fun way to gain conscious access into your Genius Zone. This workshop will create waves of magic in your life.
Sign up below to stay in the loop for workshop application and dates.
To live in our Genius Zone, is to live in our magic.
Sign up below to stay in the loop for our next session. When you do, you will receive a free exercise and visualization "5 Steps to your Next Creative Breakthrough". An exercise that will take you from stuck to in the flow.
*We value your information and respect your privacy, we are not about cluttering your inbox or sending any sort of spam.
Testimonials"I've always wanted a big sister, a mentor, to guide me in my life and career. That's what Lorena is for me. She is such a genuine soul, working with her has helped me gain clarity in what my next steps are. I've learned so much about who I want to become and I've grown as an artist. It's really empowered me! She's given me tools to get rid of bad energy and process my emotions and I've already manifested meeting so many incredible people that will help my career soar. I'm so grateful I found her!" - Marian Del Valle (actor, writer)

Lorena is an artist and champion who herself lives out that which she seeks to awaken in you. Her artistry and her coaching are not separate; how she encourages and inspires you to grow and evolve and create are all connected. She has helped me navigate some of, if not THE, most challenging obstacles AND made life-changing progress in my career; often, incredibly, at the same time. She has nourished my heart and soul as a human AND a professional. This is a rare combination in a culture of such immense competition and cynicism. She enchants the world and wants you to find your shimmering path. Her intelligence, compassion, passion, and joy are a beacon of hope and inspiration.
Erika Soto (Vida, The Flash, and upcoming: Netflix’s Eric. Resident artist at A Noise Within Theater Co.)

Lorena has been my secret weapon for years and I’m so excited for other people to have access to her energy. Working with her has helped me book many jobs. She always finds a fresh perspective and opens my mind to seeing 10 layers to something when I would normally see two or three. She makes me feel empowered, confident, and in control of my career. And I love her for it.
Melissa Barrera (star of Scream, In the Heights, Keep Breathing, Carmen, Vida and upcoming; The Collaboration with Paul Bettany and Jeremy Pope)